dmcon is a little application I wrote to solve a simple problem: the UCF internet sucks. Things timeout. A lot. Especially during the day. Normal download managers won't do because. well, I guess I just don't like spyware. I don't know, maybe it's the whole "stealing of my personal information and monitoring of my habits" that gets to me. But I digress; here is a lightweight, reliable, command line based download manager. Actually it's not even a manager yet, just a simple downloader like 'wget' on *nix. You give it a URL, and optionally a local file name, and it will download it. If it fails, or if you abort (ctrl-c), it will let you resume it at a later time by passing the .xml file that is created with the file information. The resume ability is the neatest thing, because it pulls from an xml file and the data itself is untouched. This means that you can stick in whatever data you want in the xml (it's all human readable) and resume a file from anyplace (i.e., a Kazaa download could be resumed from the net). |